CSS Specificity

Jan 13, 2024


The specificity is calculated based on four categories, often represented in the form (a, b, c, d):

  1. a (Inline styles): The count of style attributes directly in an HTML element.
  2. b (IDs): The count of ID selectors.
  3. c (Classes, Attributes, Pseudo-classes): The count of class selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-classes.
  4. d (Types and Pseudo-elements): The count of type selectors (like div, h1) and pseudo-elements (like ::before, ::after).
  • Combinators (like >, +, ~, (space)) are not counted in specificity.
  • Multiple instances: Each ID, class, attribute, type, and pseudo-element is counted. For example, #nav .item a:hover has a specificity of 0,1,2,1.
  • The !important rule overrides any style, regardless of its specificity, but its use is generally discouraged except in specific situations.



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