Hash Map: LRU (Least Recently Used) Cache

2 min readNov 8, 2023


The Linked List and Hash Map in a base

type Node<T> = {
value: T,
next?: Node<T>,
prev?: Node<T>,

function createNode<V>(value: V): Node<V> {
return {value}

class LRU<K, V> {
private length: number
private head?: Node<V> // Node<V>: V - value
private tail?: Node<V>

private lookup: Map<K, Node<V>>
private reverseLookup: Map<Node<V>, K>

constructor(private capacity: number = 10) { // change the capacity
this.length = 0
this.head = this.tail = undefined
this.lookup = new Map<K, Node<V>>()
this.reverseLookup = new Map<Node<V>, K>()

update(key: K, value: V): void {
let node = this.lookup.get(key)
if (!node) {
node = createNode(value)
this.length = this.length + 1

this.lookup.set(key, node)
this.reverseLookup.set(node, key)
} else {
node.value = value
// does it exist?
// if it doesn't to insert
// - check capacity and evict of over
// if does, to update to the front of the list
// and update the value

get(key: K): V | undefined {
// check the cache for existence
const node = this.lookup.get(key)
if (!node) {
return undefined

// update the value we found and move it to the front

// return out the value found or undefined if not exist
return node.value

private detach(node: Node<V>) {
if (node.prev) {
node.prev.next = node.next

if (node.next) {
node.next.prev = node.prev

if (this.head === node) {
this.head = this.head.next

if (this.tail === node) {
this.tail = this.tail.prev

node.next = undefined
node.prev = undefined

private prepend(node: Node<V>) {
if (!this.head) {
this.head = this.tail = node

node.next = this.head
this.head.prev = node
this.head = node

private trimCache(): void {
if (this.length <= this.capacity) {

const tail = this.tail as Node<V>
this.detach(this.tail as Node<V>)

const key = this.reverseLookup.get(tail) as K
this.length = this.length - 1



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